When learning how to do more with Photoshop, I thought it would be helpful to learn how to do a surface that looks like very textured, almost like dirt (which I can use for another art project I'm working on).
Using #79 in the Photoshop Tips and Tricks packet, I created a "quick rocky surface".
The steps I followed for this were:
1. Create a file with RGB color mode
2. Create a new channel with black foreground
3. Use the clouds and difference clouds on this layer (Filter > Render > Clouds, Difference Clouds)
4. Repeat the second one (Command + F)
5. On the RGB channel, fill the color you want
6. Create Lighting effects (Filter > Render > Lighting Effects)
7. Set Light Type to Directional
8. Set Texture channel to Alpha 1 and drag the intensity all the way up on the slider
9. Make changes to the Properties sliders to get the desired effect
I could see this being incorporated into my book cover design project!